Other Writing and Free Fairy Stories

We're going through a bit of uncertainty at the moment what with COVID-19 and all of its consequences. So, my contribution to attempting to cheer the world is to share a few of my published stories.

Every few days I'll post a new story here, and I'll leave them up for a while so you can read them on line, or download them.

You can read background to the stories on my blog.

If the stories bring you pleasure, please consider buying my books using the links at the bottom of the page.
Mother Elde Slept Late from "Tales from the Wood"

A Prince Among Frogs from "Tales from the Wood"

The Inn at Chillingford from "Tales from Beyond the Wood"

Mother Tongue from "Tales from the Castle"

The Princesses With Hairy Hands from "Tales from the Wood"

The Faery Feast from "Tales from Beyond the Wood"

The Generous Gerbils and The Hungry Hamsters

What If?

Fancies by Gaslight

Fairy Tale Crossword #1      Click here for the answers

All of the writing presented here is copyright.

My blog about fairy stories, writing, and the "Tales from the Wood" series is on Facebook here.

Remember, you can buy any of my books of fairy stories on-line or by bullying your favourite bookstore to order a copy for you.

You can also buy direct from the publisher via my author page.

Or, you can get your hands on a signed and dedicated copy direct from me for just £10 including postage and packing. Just drop me an email at adrian@olddog.co.uk and I'll let you know how to pay me.